Dix figures laïques du consistoire d’Alger (1839-1872)
In the wake of French Algeria, a protestant consistory was created in Algiers in 1839 by royal ordinance. It was composed of both Reformed and Lutherans, both pastors and twelve laymen chosen among the city’s protestant notabilities. For quite some time, the Reformed prevailed, and only after reforms intervened in 1859 and 1867 could the Lutherans reach a significant number and eventually even out. Ten outstanding characters are here presented, based on research in the archives of the Church of the Augsburg Confession (Alsace-Lorraine) and the Protestant Church in Algeria. They provide a representative sample of the composition of its somewhat original ecclesial organization, [atypique] for its time in the sens that it was affiliated to both the Augsburg (Lutheran) and the Reformed confessional denominations.