
At the intersection of medicine, philosophy, and theology

Jacques Besson


Neurotheology is a new interdisciplinary emergent science. Coming from the progress of neuroscience, its object is the spiritual and religious brain. Its foundations on brain imagery and neurobiology do not exclude debates with the humanities. Neurotheology allows a distinction between spirituality and religion, spirituality being seen as a natural and universal need, and religion as a cultural answer to this natural need. The dialogue between faith and science develops in a new perspective, far away from any opposition. Neurotheology is neither religious nor non-religious. It opens new avenues for inquiry. This article is inspired by the science and works in the field of the addictions, where interdisciplinarity was a key factor for the development of new efficient therapies in the field. Neuroscience of spirituality is now creating an opportunity for a debate between medicine, philosophy, and theology.
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