From Verbal Expression to the Inappropriable

A Study of the Relation to the Word in Bernard of Clairvaux Through the Prism of Giorgio Agamben’s Philosophy

Stefan Constantinescu


In his 74th sermon on the Song of Songs, Bernard of Clairvaux mentions his experience, expressed in the terms of the “Word’s visit”. He explicity aims at unveiling an ontology of the person that fully realizes itself through the immediate experience of the Word. This theological elaboration is examined with an eye to the alternating movement of experience and expression. The human capacity to produce new forms of language is not depleted through the act of expressing. Giorgio Agamben’s notions of inoperosità and the inappropriable are used to show the extent to which Bernard uses the art of words in order to produce the effect of his personal experience with God. In this way the article seeks to show that Bernard’s words enter into a world of désœuvrement so as to introduce us to the contemplation of the Word as a form of life and inner transformation.
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