Violence and Islam

Mohammed Arkoun’s anthropological triangle “violence, sacred, truth”

Leïla Tauil


The aim of this article is to highlight the contribution of Mohammed Arkoun on sacred violence in Islam and more specifically on the notion of “holy/just war”. This warlike theology was developed by jurists-theologians in the first three centuries of the Hegira (7th-9th century) from sura 9 (at-Tawba, Repentance), which is still mobilized today by Islamist terrorists worldwide. After outlining the meaning of Arkoun’s “anthropological triangle”, i.e. violence, sacred, truth, the article questions, from this perspective, sura 9 in order to determine whether Arkoun’s proposal sheds light (or not) on the socio-historical-anthropological bedrocks of sura 9’s content.
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