Les bibliothèques des professeurs du Collège de Guyenne au temps de Montaigne écolier

Marie-Luce Demonet


Admirers of Montaigne’s Essais were always eager to know about his training and early readings, before and during his studies at the College de Guyenne. Montaigne’s first purchases as evidenced by his annotated books, the various works (published or not) of the teachers present in Bordeaux, the suspect or censored books, and the manuscript catalogue of the College de Guyenne (1784), which remains to be followed up, the library of Élie Vinet and that of the Jesuit College, complete what we know about the networks of preceptors and regents, whether they comme from Parisian colleges or Northern schools, such as the trilingual college of Louvain. Whether they are Portuguese, Spanish, from Gascony or Poitou, or even “German”, like this Albertus Horstanus, often dismissed for lack of documents, whose career nevertheless deserves to be re-examined, for his role in the teaching Latin and Greek.

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