La stratégie pamphlétaire à Lyon au début des guerres de la Ligue: jeux d’anonymat et fausses adresses

Malcolm Walsby


The importance of pamphlet exchanges during the wars of the Catholic League is well established. Studies have emphasised the dominant role of Parisian presses in the publication of ultra-Catholic pamphlets. However, material analysis suggests that it would be wrong to underestimate the output of Lyon, the other major printing centre of the League. The publication of leaguer pamphlets was not without danger, and Lyon publishers often resorted to varying degrees of anonymity. Analysis of the use of false typographical addresses reveals a subtle pamphleteering strategy, ranging from partial anonymity to the use of the names of Parisian printers and booksellers to publish the most violent pamphlets. This study provides a new perspective on the role of Lyon’s printing presses in the leaguer struggle.