À la conquête de leur indépendance : éditrices de revues en Chine, de Chen Xiefen 陳擷芬 (1883-1923) et Qiu Jin 秋瑾 (1875-1907) à Shi Pingmei 石評梅 (1902-1928)

Jacqueline Estran


Fighting for their independance, women begin to enter the press and the public space at the end of the 19th century in China. Chen Xiefen (Nübao 1899; Xuchu nübao 1902; Nüxuebao 1903) and Qiu Jin (Baihua bao 1904; Zhongguo nübao 1907) are among the very first female journal editors. Shi Pingmei (Funü zhoukan 1924-1925; Qiangwei zhoukan 1926-1928) intervene some twenty years later when periodicals have become part of everyday life. All three have published engaged, feminist and literary periodicals. Yet, despite the success of their publications, they have either been invisibilised in history or instrumentalized, with only one aspect of their existence being highlighted. A comparison of their careers as journal editors before and after the overthrow of the Qing dynasty (1911) reveals the innovative nature of their work and thinking and their continued commitment to women’s rights and emancipation.

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