Serge Karcevski et Charles Bally : discuter avec le maître

Douze textes inédits de Karcevski commentés par Bally

Irina Fougeron Gilles Fougeron


We present here some textes of S. Karcevski written for Ch. Bally (whose lessons Karcevski attended in Geneva), together with Bally’s comments (little remarks on the side of the page, but also some plain discussions). Texts and comments (from the Fond Karcevski at the Archives administratives et patrimoniales of University of Geneva) date back to 1913-1914. The texts deal with theoretical issues (the role of psychological and affective factors in morpho-syntax and word formation, some questions of lexical semantics, etc.), illustrated by different exemples. In order not to overweight the reader, we chose not to adopt a plain diplomatic transcription, but to intuitively render the pages, using square brackets to mark our interventions.


Karcevski, Bally, Word-formation, psychology of language, lexical semantics

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