À l’écoute de la langue-parole : considérations à partir de la théorie saussurienne

« À escuta da langue-parole : considerações a partir da teoria saussuriana ». Thèse dirigée par Luiza Ely Milano, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, soutenue le 27 août 2020 à Porto Alegre, devant un jury composé par : Giuseppe D’Ottavi (ITEM – CNRS/ENS), Daiane Neumann (UFPel) et Gabriel Ávila Othero (UFRGS). La version finale du texte a été approuvée et est composée de 186 pages. Disponible sur : (consulté le 10.09.2022).

Aline Vargas Stawinski


The aim of this thesis is to outline a conception of listening based on Saussurean linguistics. We take the role attributed to the ear and the speaker into account, in conjunction with the notions of langue and parole. To such an extent, we organize this thesis into three parts. Each one focuses on a different topic – although all of them are correlated: the listener, the speaker, and the listening. Under the effect of Saussure’s approach on langue, we conclude that listening operates as a linguistic interpretation function capable of bringing the langue-parole dichotomy into question.


Listening, Speaking subject, Ear, Listener

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